Why Choose AABS?
AABS can show you how to recover hundreds of dollars per unit per year. And it’s so easy. We customize your billing program for your specific energy billing needs whether it be water and sewer billing, electric billing, gas billing, rent billing, or any combination of these.
We specialize in energy management needs for the multi-family industry.
AABS has built its client relationships based on integrity and a commitment to excellence in customer service. For this reason, our clients have learned to expect a superior level of success. For Property Owners, Property Management companies, or City Managers who prefer to out-source their utility reimbursement program, AABS offers bill processing and / or collection services, consolidated billing, installation of sub-meter systems, meter maintenance and sub-meter testing using the latest in software technology. We can also implement a RUBS (Ratio Utility Billing System) for properties that do not wish to install meters.
We also offer the latest state-of-the-art utility billing software package for clients preferring to do “in-house” billing. We provide training and support to get your billing system up and running!