Utility Company And Municipality Billing
Billing for Municipalities, Townships, Cities, Homeowners Association, Condominium Associations, Homeowner’s Associations, Golf Courses, College Housing, Country Clubs, Water Districts and Utility Companies.
As more utilities are turning to third-party billing providers, AABS meets your needs with the ability to bill metered or non-metered services such as water, sewer, sanitation, gas, taxes, electricity, cable, street lights, mosquito control or any other charges.
AABS offers you the choice of statement style bills or postcard bills. Due to high volume, our mailing service can print and mail your bills for less than you can do it in-house. Other announcements or bulletins can be inserted with every bill for only pennies a piece. Our off-site back-up and storage system is your assurance that your data is protected and secured in an off-site storage center. Access to our state-of-the-art software enables managers to check resident balances, post payments, or print reports. You can retain the responsibility for collections or use our collection services. Out-sourcing your billing needs will ensure accuracy, cut costs, and allow you to focus on core business activities.